It is no secret how widely accepted and common telecommuting is getting. Both parties of the work arrangement are becoming tender to the concept of work from home. And if not fully acknowledged and appreciated, then remote working is at least being embraced by more and more people every day.
Of course, at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference and comfort. While you and I may be well adept with the remote work culture, we might value the independence, flexibility and productivity that comes with that; others may be stern about in-office work mode, workplace discipline and strict schedules. While some can have their concentration in place in a formal, supervised environment, others might work better at the informal comfort of their own abodes.
Now as common and famous the concept of telecommuting is getting today, to the observation, there’s still a certain taboo associated with it in people’s mind. Why more and more people are opting for a work from home arrangement is because of the flexibility, creative concentration and increased productivity that it offers.
However, what comes to a person’s mind first upon hearing the term ‘remote work’ is laziness. Out of all the reasons that push a person to head for this option, laziness is nowhere close to any. But, in this competitive lifestyle with this everyday hustle bustle, there’s a section of the crowd that looks down upon telecommuters.
Assumptions degrade to everything besides concrete, valid reasons. Although a renewed attitude is being developed towards it, a taboo around it still exists.
There are individuals whose brains work faster and better in the company of likeminded people or under supervision. And, then there are individuals who excel at what they do when they work solely. So, there’s no trace of laziness here. It’s all about individual preference and drive.
Having said that, you’d be surprised to unravel the level of productivity an employee reaches if he’s comfortable with remote work and resorts to that. Of course, both working patterns have their own pros and cons but based on your preference and ideologies, either can work wonders.
Now, if you belong to the section of dedicated in-office workaholics and are unable to understand remote work culture, then you might want to neutralize your perception on that. Doubting a remote colleague’s potential and reluctant towards accepting his work lifestyle, in general, could turn ruinous for you.
Don’t forget, millennials are the “job-hopping generation” as a Gallup poll in 2016 reveals. Six in ten millennials are open to new job opportunities and these are the people who are least engaged in the workplace, the poll suggests.
What’s the point of bringing “millennials” here? Millennials are the future so will be the remote work, no denying that, and not just mere speculations!
To make things interesting, a remote colleague might surpass your day’s agendas too with an expert flair. So, not accepting and appreciating a working pattern and perception different from yours is only degrading your mindset and work performance.
All it takes to run work smoothly is transparency, coordination, trust, respect and professionalism, irrespective of one’s working preference.
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Pursuing Masters in Literature and hold a keen interest in the subject of psychology. I live on books, writing, art, cooking and binge watching TV shows. Expressing thoughts on universal topics is my hobby, though one thing is for certain. I write better than I talk.